




位置:Oliebladsgade 8, 2300 哥本哈根 ,丹麦


面积:3.844 m2 


年份:2013 - 2016








修建节能品级:Low energy class 2015


该项目是为神经病患及老人新建的45户照顾护士公寓 ,包括有单间及双人套间、公共设施、效劳区域和一个运动中心。

修建长条形的平面一端是走道 ,另外一端是主要功效体量 ,从而形成了奇异的沿街立面。室外的下沉庭院与一个较低的平台相连 ,同时也联通着住民运动中心 ,厨房以及其他的效劳设施。

除了地下室 ,该晚年公寓总共有6层 ,包括了一个加建的顶层阁楼公寓 ,笔直交通上配备了晚年人使用电梯。地下室上层的平台同时也充当着停车、花园清静台区域的功效。阁楼楼顶附带有屋顶花园和运动区域。

Project description

This is a new build project consisting of 45 social care homes for mentally ill citizens/elderly , with both 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, common facilities, associated service area and an activity centre.


The apartments are accessed from a series of common walkways to one side, forming a single mass to the streetfacade.

There is a series of sunken courtyards, accessed from a lower level, which houses the residents activity centre, production kitchen, along with other common services.


Above the raised basement level, there will be apartments in 5 levels along Oliebladsgade and Reberbanegade, together with a recessed penthouse level.


The apartments are accessed from external covered accessways, with stairs and elevators. Above the raised basement, which also includes parking facilities, there will be a generous common garden and terraced area.


The roof of the penthouse will also serve as a common roof terrace and social space.

此项目案例由太阳集团娱乐所有网站相助公司丹麦ZESO修建事务所(ZESO ARCHITECTS)提供

ZESO ARCHITECTS建设于2008年 ,公司总部位于丹麦哥本哈根。公司合资人均拥有20年以上的修建设计领域事情履历 ,经由多年生长 ,公司在都会设计、住宅区妄想及修建设计、空港修建设计、养老教育修建设计及可一连设计等诸多领域取得了优异的业绩。如承接了哥本哈根机场的新航站楼设计 ,哥本哈根Arena新型节能住宅小区妄想及其修建设计 ,等等。

ZESO着眼于设计的功效性、艺术性、经济性、可建性的同时 ,更强调设计的可一连性。ZESO将可一连生长的设计理念及手艺在都会和修建差别标准的设计中一直运用立异 ,是现在丹麦在该领域领先的设计事务所。

设计团队十分注重将北欧先进的设计理念运用于中国都会 ,现在在成都、杭州等地拥有分公司及相助同伴。中国成都分公司开办至今 ,通过自力承 ;蛳嘀杓频确椒 ,举行了多项都会新区妄想设计、养老地产妄想和修建设计以及旧修建刷新等项目。我们位于重庆大足的巴岳西湖养老中心将在今年周全动工 ,届时将成为海内引入丹麦先进理念的新型养老工业的规范。

Zeso Architects is founded in Copenhagen, Denmark at 2008, and owned by partners all with more than 20 years of experience. After rapid developments, Zeso has gained success and reputations in different specialties within the design fields, such as urban design, residential, airport, elderly care and education. 

With the HIGH 5 design principle, ZESO is focus on functionality, aesthetics, economy, constructability and especially sustainability within the building. Through numbers of practices and innovations in different types of projects and scales, ZESO is now one of the leading offices in Denmark. 

ZESO is interested and experienced in cities’ development in China, and currently having an office in Chengdu and other Chinese collaboration partners. Projects includes urban design, elderly care housings, and renovation, etc. 




